We didn't get divorced and our kitchen has been done for more than a year. Documenting the process turned out to be more than I could manage ; )
Here's what it looks like now
Here's what it looks like now
And here are the kinds of posts you missed (because I never wrote them).
4 (FOUR) visits from the city inspector
Ventilation is the MOST important thing
How many days before we scratch the brand new floor (hint less than 3)
Grilling eggs at 6am is really not that bad ~ as long as it's summertime
Porcelain vs. Stainless - we made a mistake
But mostly, we LOVE, love, love love LOVE our new kitchen and have been happily cooking in it.
Which is why this blog will now be called, What We Ate
What your photos don't share is how lovely it always smells entering that lovely new kitchen. Of course, I thought your old kitchen smelled just as good, . . . but the new kitchen does look a good deal better :-)